Channel: Lissa's Humane Life » Freedom of Speech: VIDEOS
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Since World War II North Americans have invested much of their newfound wealth in suburbia. It has promised a sense of space, affordability, family life and upward mobility. As the population of suburban sprawl has exploded in the past 50 years, so too has the suburban way of life become embedded in the American consciousnes


Filed under: 350000 National Security Letters Written Secret FISA, 911 How the US changed from a Republic to a Terrorist-State, 911 Truth War on Terror False Flag, Abuse, American Citizens as Guinea Pigs, American Historic Conspiracies to Fascism, Blogroll, Cover-ups Murders, Daily Posts, Data Gathering, Directed Energy Weapons, DOD Directives Human Subjects Experimentations, EEEE, Electromagnetic Frequencies, Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, Electronic Harassment, Electronic Harassment, EMF, EMF, EML, EML, Emotional Distortion, Enemies of Freedom, Enlightenment, Evidence: Drones, False Flags, Foreclosure Fraud, Fraud, Freedom, Freedom of Speech: VIDEOS, Freemasons, frequencies testings, Global Warming, HAARP, Heros Long Gone Not Forgotten, HOW TO SMELL A RAT LIAR THIEF TREASONOUS TRAITOR, Humanity, II, III, Illegal, In Nothing We Trust, InfraRed Alpha Beta Gamma EMF Waves, Inhumane, Invasive, Jealous Hatred, JFK & Others: End of US Democratic-Republic, Joy, Kindness, Laser Attacks, Lawless in America, Life, Love, medical experimentation, Microwave, Microwave Murder, Mind Control NSA Black Projects, Misdiagnosis, MkUltra, MKULTRA SECRET CIA BLACK BUDGET USA, Mobbing, Murder, Nation of TRAITORS against Ordinary U.S. CITIZENS not CIA/FBI TRAITORS, NATO WHO, NDAA Domestic Terrorism by US Terrorist, New World Maps After 2012, New World Order Military Industrial Complex, NEWS, NSA Gen. Michael Aquino, NWO, OCCUPY WALL STREET: ADVISE, Organized 'Legal' Criminals, Organized Stalking, Orwell, Passion, Perpetrators, Police Militarization Post 911, Police State U.S., Politico Ideas, Psychological & Medical Science US Military, Psychological Operations, Quiet Suffering, radar testings, Radiation Experimentation and Harassment, Reading Room, Reading Room: Microwave, Remote Neural Monitoring, RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS TAKE OVER, Ron Paul, Satellites, Stalking, State-sponsored terrorism (Not Regular US CItizens), Surveillance, TARGETED INDIVIDUALS STORIES, Targeted Individuals Used as Guinia Pigs, Tesla, The DOD Directive Medical Monitors Researchers (Under the Guise of Natl Security), TI, Tolerance, Torture, Traitors, Truth Teller, Truth-Telling, Truther, U.S. Traitors, Understanding, unlawful, US Patriot Act Lethal Weapons Research, US State Sponsored Terror While Nature is Dying, USA, Victims Fighting the Corrupt System, Victims of the Patriot Act, Victims Traumatized by the System, War on Terror, weapon testings, Whistleblower, Whistleblowers Stories

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